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My name is Jill. If this is your first visit, it's lovely to meet you.


I am new enough to writing that referring to myself as a "writer" seems at once pretentious and self-effacing. But I suppose there's no escaping that.


write about the thoughts that keep me up at night, turn it into a followable narrative, call it a "Blog Post" and send it to the patient and supportive people who have agreed to receive the ramblings.


On nights that I sleep better, I write short stories and poems. You can find all of it by clicking "Written Pieces" above.


If you like them, leave me a comment. If you really like them, send me a message using the form below so you can get my blog delivered directly to your inbox the moment I publish it.

And if you, too, have trouble with the term "writer," remember:


You won't ever get over it. You will probably always feel like a fraud, no matter what you do.


And then, one day, you'll die.

A Story for today

The Boy in the Bay


Never There


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